so much to love in this essay god damn one laugh after another - "The world doesn't need woke movies from Hollywood, degenerate hip-hop from NYC, icky porn from San Fernando, crashing Boeings from Seattle, Domino Pizza" - mah fellow americans still have not figured this out!

love the photographs too, especially the SA taxi

amazing how hilarious this massive looming disaster is - sorry world!

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Will women who handle $Trump tradeables be known as $Trumpets?

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this is marvelous and today he is president

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Zion Don says, MIGA!

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The thought of God drinking Bud Lite with Thomas Crooks in Heaven is the stuff of chuckles.

Who can drink the most tallboys up there without pissing themselves and passing out?

I wouldn't last long at that party.

One of the local farmers in southern Berrien County Michigan placed some life size laminated posters of Trump rising from his secret service orgy with his fist raised and the iconic "Fight, Fight, Fight!" call to what? Vote? They were placed on a stack of hay bales.

I can understand being fighting mad. Being fooled twice by Jewjacked goy bait is harder to comprehend.

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