Wow. That was an unexpected rollercoaster.

From guffawing at Linh's workaday complaints about proofreading tone-deaf translators at the beginning, to nursing the deeply pensive pathos of Linh's heart-wounding story of the beautifully ugly heroine...

Thanks to the author.

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I had a few things which came to mind as I was reading. Somehow they all dissolved as an ugly shadow fell over me. I've garnered few regrets, surprisingly given my fairly unsuccessful course through life but I have a couple. I rooted ugly girls a couple of times. Just because I could. I also screwed some good looking ones for the same reason. This was back in high school years. The ugly ones really wanted me, but I just wanted a fuck. One becomes more empathetic with age and my regret and shame has only grown over time. Shame for them, I really feel like I did wrong by them and these two incidents remain as my greatest regrets, the things I feel I will have to answer for at judgement day. Which day is I think presided over by the harshest judge, ourselves.. Strangely I do not feel the same for the good looking ones. Even though there was no less thoughtless lust involved, it is the ugly ones I feel bad about. Not for my shame, but theirs. You made me think about this. Not sure what it means so I guess this will be the colour of my day now. We share the same year of the rabbit I think. Your way of seeing the world resonates with me like we were brothers. If life is long enough for us to get together I think we'd be good mates. Life's a trip.

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You are breaking every taboo in the viet book.

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That was excellent. I'm reminded of being in Chiang Rai 35 years ago. A great group of Thais hung out at the guest house I stayed in and one evening I took a photo of all 15 of them around a cake baked in celebration of one of their member's birthday.

Subsequently I've often asked my western friends to point out those in the group that were girls. Most indicate about 9 or 10 as they're quite attractive. It always amuses me that there was actually only one - the birthday girl.

Your writing as a female is at that level. Congratulations.

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I was in Chiang Rai 35 years ago. Backpacking with my Danish companion who later became my wife. It was the place to get my visa extended, because as an Aussie I only got 3 months. So we'd overstay, then pay a bribe to get another 3 months and Chiang Rai was the best place for it. I wonder if they still discriminate between Aussies and Danes for visas? Probably.

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I'm not sure how much of a bribe you paid but you might've been able to save some money merely by overstaying for several months as I did and paying a fine as you left the country. The border guard fined me 200 bhat (about 5 pounds) on the way out to Malaysia.

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Paying the bribe, which wasn't called a bribe, but a fee, was same price as the visa. I can't remember how much but only in hundreds of baht. We were there six months in all. We crossed the border from Malaysia and flew out from Bangkok.

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Spanky blows one with a bang.


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Meanwhile, Justin Bieber's face is half paralyzed, some say it's the vaxx. Ron still refuses to look into vaccines and keeps promoting his useless theory about "the origins of Covid" that ignore everything that was done "against Covid". Shootings/false flags are back. The US wasted USD 40 billion from the taxpayer on a useless war in the Ukraine. Kindergarten children are taught to twerk and give tips to drag queens. Life goes on. Enjoy your vinho verde, we must drink and be merry, for tomorrow we are gone.

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Not only does casual sex suck but beginner sex sucks also. At least that is what some women either implied or told me after the (f)act.

One in particular pointed out it is like riding a bicycle beforehand. Boy, did I prove her wrong! It's far more like trying to catch your first wave on a surfboard. It ain't pretty.

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Good story, although it seems to end just in the middle of things. Also, I've heard that there is no ugly woman after the fifth beer, or third vodka... At least for some men. So, perhaps it's not so realistic... I mean, I saw very fat and ugly women who were pregnant, so someone must have bonked them. P. S. "Vinho verde" is not really "green" wine, it's just a type of light wine made from young grapes in Portugal. And the correct verb usage in the sentence would be "compreende?" or "compreendes?" (compreendo is first person). Thanks for the post in any case.

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Hi Tom, thanks for the correction. I'll fix it now!--Linh

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P.S. I should have known. Capisco, capisci, capisce in Italian. "O" ending is first person in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, of course.--Linh

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Memorable story

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Beautiful fairy tale! Just exquisite.

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And then what....is there a part two?

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I don't think I could handle part 2. I want to kill myself already after part 1.

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