Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

That's what I've really had a hard time trying to swallow, that the majority of the herd is wired to play along with the worst elements of what they are handed until it's too late. That's how we're seen as well and it isn't pretty, relegating a sentient (we would hope) species into a "herd" on the big plantation.

It seems cosmically malevolent at times. I try to push a lot of it aside and get on with the show, walk away from the phone as much as possible, lucky that I can. Walk quietly in the woods if there's any around. Had a large hawk fly past me through the under canopy and land close enough that I just stopped and gawked. A real predator, noble in it's own way.

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I remember when I first learned of you a few years ago and liked you as I do because you call what is what too, with what research you've done. When I heard you say something about the commenters at Unz and how they piss you off, I couldn't help but think you give them too much credit as even being real people who were doing anything other than trying to piss you off, waste your time, and/or confuse you if they could. That's what Hasbara does especially. Not to even mention Sayanim, Mossad, CIA (as if it's something different in the end) Bnai Brith, Masons today who were likely corrupted at the top but not at the bottom over time too, etc. I haven't followed Ron Unz as much as you have (only have so much free time) but I thought he was ok because I saw him expose some things that made sense to me and some that I'd already learned a little about. I have one quote from him saved where he says:

"Both of these simple facts have been widely accepted in America throughout my entire lifetime. But combine them together with the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to World War II, and the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe." -Ron Unz https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/

But remember nobody really knows who is, or is not, a Jew. Not even them. (which is another hint about these Abrahamic religions). So when you say:

"The aim, then, wasn’t robbery but public humiliation, or letting off some steam, as Rush Limbaugh said of American soldiers stripping Iraqis then stacking them onto pyramids. At least one female grunt loved it. Undoubtedly, most Americans have forgotten this shameful episode. Iraqis haven’t. "

Just ask yourself. Who or what was Rush Limbaugh? Were they really American soldiers who claimed to have any sense at all? If not, how often has that happened? How many dumb white people were really behind these KKK masks throughout history? And how many were Jews, or thought they were Jews, or were just posing as Jews? Who or what is Whitney Webb, who goes around promoting what she promotes, but then when she is informed about the truth about WW II she never replies, and then months later goes on a video with psyop scammer extraordinaire Glenn Beck to promote those same banker scammer lies? Who or what really is Glenn Beck? Edward Snowden? Julian Assange? Vanessa Beeley? Joe Rogan? Amy Goodman? Noam Chomsky? James Corbett who does the same thing? Why does Roger Waters, famous bassist from Pink Floyd, promote Assange in his human rights views, but not 9/11 truth or the weaponized anthrax vaccine scam soon after?

See what I mean?

See I think maybe when any of these genuine honest truth advocate people in these man-made religions, or just all the many people like me who have humble, happy Natural views and are ok without any of those books, get to that realization, we can then use those observations to help stop supporting all these "truth advocates" that play dumb and don't pass even the most basic of litmus tests about some of these psyop scams, and move on to ones that don't play dumb like that. I know. I know. Cognitive dissonance. Fear in some. Who knows how long it takes individuals to realize this bs since 1913 and to stop supporting this fake system, and their mostly time-wasters all in/on it. They all have been posing as the best common-sense document we've seen so far, regardless of good and bad history. But I thought to point out for years now all I can that we should support only free >rational< speech.

And I definitely agree with you about how they use the First Amendment against people all they can, on purpose. I guess they see how many of these man-made religious men in America are more or less huge pussies. Maybe as planned, everywhere they put those buildings and man-made books. People don't fathom when they are really young and growing up from there that there are actually that kind of people like that, duping their parents all about lots of things. And then them later on too. It's hard to see the scale of this bs, unless you go through what we have gone through for a good while now. But when we do get a fair grasp of psyops scams, psyop scammers, and then people spying and then creating counter-psyops, all I know to do is keep learning and sharing the best truth I can. I realized in the last decade or so that some of these people I grew up around never have had much critical thinking skills. They all go with this "King" James approved (as if that's not a hint right off the bat) man-made book too, and have always been dangerous not only to themselves, but to all the rest of us too. Those old, man-made books were highly-likely created and tweaked for that purpose for a long time now, to where we are today. Mostly good people get into those old books, and then loose their God-given reason, very obviously to me today.

Best regards,

Michael 🦕

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Excellent description of much of today's unfortunate reality. Not all countries, though; your pictures of the people in Pakse look sane.

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Hi Elaine,

About the photo of the people crossing the street. It's of a boy helping his blind relative. She also blows that plastic horn to alert motorists. They're always most cheerful performing this ritual, with their smiles even brighter as they near the other side!


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Should have read: the people of Pakse, in your pictures, look sane.

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"It’s not entirely hopeless. There are pockets of sanity. Get yourself into one."

That's my point of view, too, but they're increasingly hard to find. Lately I have been trying to find one in traditional Latin Mass Catholic circles, but so far I can't say I've been completely successful in removing myself from the world's insanity: https://contrarium.substack.com/p/was-it-bad-for-the-west-to-abandon

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Your pocket of sanity requires removal of the insanity from your pocket.

Dump the smart phone. If you absolutely have to make and receive calls out and about, get a cheapo flip phone, but leave it behind whenever you can.

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I just made a comment regarding smartphones. Yes, they are not really contributing to mental health, to say the least.

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The plot of a 1968 "Dragnet" episode is that a man was impersonating a policeman but behaving completely ethically. Even now that is just barely, barely, possible. What is IM-possible is that the point of the episode was that a whole bunch of grateful citizens wanted to give the counterfeit officer a dinner and a trophy(!) for his work. Someone elderly watching the episode would think "how times have changed". Someone in their twenties would simply laugh at the absurdity of 1) ethical policemen, and 2) grateful citizens appreciating the work of a cop. But such things did exist.

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We have a lot to say about the spectator watching the ship wreck, telling others as we do about the shipwreck watchers being part of the wrecking of ships, watching as we do how others listen to these stories of even larger ships and larger wrecks.

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Despite their usefulness, I think on the whole smartphones have become a tool of the Devil, so to speak. They are basically like ankle monitors that record all your activity and pass that information to the people in charge, and at the same time, they allow each person to record any event, from the most inane to the most gruesome. Things like the "Central Park Karen incident" or even the George Floyd brouhaha would have been impossible before this cursed invention. We are all extras in a bad movie, horribly shot by an LGBTQ mentally ill social influencer.

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What;s with the meditating monk in the enclosure?

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Hi Peggy, it's a wax figure of a deceased monk.--Linh

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What is worse, being an actual drug-addled zombie out of your mind in Anytown, USA or being a societally-addled zombie where the joke is on you in thinking you are somehow better off than the "freak" you are hoping will get hit by a car?

I feel bad for that guy's daughter.

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USSA is a debauched and bankrupt mixed mutt mess, a mass of writhing, mindless protoplasm with a vicious, evil streak running through the stampeding herd. It should have served as the worst case example to the rest of humanity that the industrialized importation and mass mixing of disparate breeds of human livestock is a guaranteed recipe for chaos and collapse. Coudenhove Kalergi explained it all back in the time of Rothschild's other clown, Onkel Adolf, in Vienna in 1922, in his dystopian screed and EUSSR handbook, "Practical Idealism", a how to for the chosenites and their USeful idiot minions in their construction of what today has become Natostan aka the EUSSR. Not content with their own degeneracy and perversion, the Hollyweird juice pornographers and Wall St bankster sewer dwellers spread their poison to every corner of the planet as is their wont since being cast out from where ever they wandered. Finally Mother Russia is taking a stance and in fast evaporating rump Ukraine the poison of America (sic) and its ruling tribe is being crushed where the Khazar abomination first infected humanity.


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When I was reading the scenes that you described in this piece, I immediately thought of the tv show “Cops”.

Seems like media mockery of some of our more unfortunate fellows has been with us for quite some time.

A mob setting upon an individual, and humiliating, tormenting, and killing.

Police have been setting that standard long before it became fashionable, and www lucrative.

Drag shoes, and he-she’s, and she-he’s.

Pretty tame stuff, compared to what’s available.

But, to each his own.

That arena has never elevated my pulse, in the affirmative, or negative.

Linh, buddy, I’ve been a resident of the USA my whole life.

That’s a shit load of years we’re talking about.

And, I’m here to tell you that sexual perversion in the USA is as old as slavery here.

Fucked up bunch of puritan perverts.

Don’t take my word for it, ask some Catholics. (Former or otherwise)

It’s just a function of something else that you mentioned.

There’s cameras everywhere, and little movie theaters in our pockets.

So the loonies are all auditioning for their big role in the next........whatever.

You see Linh, unlike you, I was raised on this crap, so it really doesn’t gobsmack me the way that it does you.

Count your blessings.

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I enjoy your videos. Little slices of life. Doesn't feel like I'm being sold a product or an agenda. Keep 'em coming.

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Awesome thumbnail! That's a book cover!!!

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A car caught fire at an apartment parking lot. 2 people helped with fire extinguishers, and one broad slithered out with her phone in her hands, fingers spread out in the air, as she narrated "So this is how MY day started" as if this affected or any anything to do with her in any way. This type of narcissism is something you immediately recognize as sickness. But the good outweighed the bad by a ratio of 2:1.

Linh, your cameras always manage to capture the most candid of moments, or at least you're skilled at making it appear so, with a Svengali-like command of your subjects.

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