Why am I not homeless? Because of the lies I told and those in which I take part.

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The reality being that everything official is a lie makes it frustrating to try and talk with 90 plus percent of Americans. They might grasp that one thing is a lie (e g., 911) but they can't allow themselves to comprehend that every official narrative is a lie as is most of the allowable "history."

I don't have any interest in even discussing the one lie they allow themselves if you can't move beyond that.

Americans have never cared about things beyond their daily life. Now they pretend to thanks to social media but resent any questioning. I guess the big difference is Americans used to notice things in their daily lives. Now they are either afraid of noticing or think noticing is evil.

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In Douglas Adams`Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy`,there is a trial on a planet Argabuthon.A witness,Prak,is injected with a truth-drug,and then...:

"And when the trial continued," he said in a weeping whisper, "they asked Prak a most unfortunate thing. They asked him," he paused and shivered, "to tell the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth. Only, don't you see?""They'd given him much too much of the drug!"

He collapsed again, moaning quietly. "Much too much too much too much too..."

"What happened?" said Zaphod at last.

"Oh, he told it all right," said the man savagely, "for all I know he's still telling it now. Strange, terrible things... terrible, terrible!" he screamed."Terrible things, incomprehensible things," he shouted, "things that would drive a man mad!"

When it became clear that Prak could not be stopped, that here was truth in its absolute and final form, the court was cleared.Not only cleared, it was sealed up, with Prak still in it. Steel walls were erected around it, and, just to be on the safe side, barbed wire, electric fences, crocodile swamps and three major armies were installed, so that no one would ever have to hear Prak speak.`

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kirn and taibbi stopped liveblogging the first night of the Democratic national convention partway through, even though they had said they would do it - they had their reasons

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Pratesi speak their minds,

Loudly, boldly, without fear.

Others think and lie.

Tuscans see through lies,

Fake emotions, pompous words.

Truthful, honest folk.

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if tim walz becomes vice president he will probably start wearing more expensive suits

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when people are behaving unreasonably, they have their reasons

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staying alive can be hard work

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