Linh, I think you said it best. America is a solitary confinement nation, the car dependent geography of nowhere. If you're a good boy, you can escape your cell, move to the big city, but then you're in a prison yard of sorts. You're not a shot caller, one of the tribe. I suppose if you're dead inside you can aspire to be part of that clique. Also there are dangerous black panthers roaming about, ready to kill for kicks. Get rich or get shot in the head for no reason. That's big city life in America, what we accept as normal. A prison break is the only rational move.

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Is it any wonder why many young white heterosexual men, now second-class citizens in their own country, instinctively side with Russia to defeat the fast-decaying US and its NATO puppet. I read a great article yesterday (on TUR) arguing that this war against Russia is a religious and spiritual war, with conservative Russian Orthodoxy against a totalitarian atheistic West that celebrates perversion. This is an existential struggle. If Russia loses and is broken into pieces as the globalists want, and the senile pervert occupying the WH wins, all hope is lost. I miss you at The Unz Review, Linh, but I'm so glad that I found you here.

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Hello Linh. This is undoubtedly as extensive a eulogy as Everett Beauregard will receive outside his funeral.

It will be of no comfort to his family even if they read it but his death and your telling of it might make those that read your article safer by encouraging them to be more vigilant.

So, in that sense, thank you for giving at least some meaning to his murder and helping deliver us from evil.

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This sad and senseless murder is certainly not the first such that I've read about, and I'm certain it won't be the last. The legacy media, largely liberal, has for a long time, been getting a pass on their practice of instilling an inaccurate picture of reality in the public's mind by omitting certain details when reporting on crimes where the perpetrators have the "wrong" group membership. Interestingly, when a few conservative outlets tried to adopt similar tactics (Breitbart is a good example), they were ruthlessly pilloried.

In the early '70s, my family ended up "south of the boulevard" (Ventura Blvd, that is) in Sherman Oaks and while I was in the military in San Diego, and on into the '80s when I still lived down there, I would drive up regularly to visit.

It was interesting to watch the city change over the years. Van Nuys was just north of the boulevard, and if you went far enough north, the area's complexion changed to one more predominantly Hispanic--even the businesses along Van Nuys Blvd. had signs in Spanish outside. Many of the houses had bars on the windows--it used to be a running joke that the good people were "behind bars" while the bad guys ran around free. Over the years, this phenomenon shaded further and further south, until now it has almost reached the boulevard itself. But "south of the boulevard" still has its cachet. I still know people there who are long-time natives, and we visit occasionally, but amazingly they seem largely oblivious to this.

We live about four hours north of the area now, but still visit from time to time. The decay is obvious when viewed from the outside.

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Saw this in a news article this morning not too long after reading your post. The video clearly shows that it was absolutely in cold blood.


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Close to a half century ago, I watched Elton John sing "Philadelphia Freedom" in concert. Wonder what the revised lyrics would be ?

Speaking of Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali kept calling him a "Gorilla" in the days & weeks leading up to the "Thrilla' in Manila". Think he'd get away wit dat deez daze ?

Guess there's a $20,000 reward out for the (word we're not allowed to say).

That crazy SoCal video should be accompanied by "California Dreamin'"

Great stuff as always, Linh.


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Man (teacher) wears giant fake boobs to shop class. No problemo. Man threatens customers and destroys Mc D's with axe. No problemo. Man stabs Grindr date and eats his balls. Phew! Problemo!

TV in old days


We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So, let's start giving

There's a choice we're making

We're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day

Just you and me

Reminds me of the time I couldn't find a motel in Sacramento so I looked one up in a gas station phonebook. The area didn't look good but the motel had new paint and new asphalt. An Asian guy came up to the front desk which was a wart sticking out from building with iron bars and plexiglass to keep customers at bay. He never turned on the light. He had something under a towel. I paid (stupid me). I walk to the room and run into black guy that asks me if I am looking for coke? I say, "no"

I notice door does not lock. The phone doesn't work. Room looks like shit. I think about what I have on me. A lot. I go back to the office. Asian guy hands me the same money I gave him that he stashed on shelf. Phew! Out of here!

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The US has some really dodgy motels. I remember a similar experience once in San Diego, it was such an awful place, it didn't seem so bad from the outside, but as soon as I entered the dirty, ugly room I felt bad vibes and the urge to leave. There were also some weird people hanging outside. I went back to the reception, asked to cancel my booking, then left. The guy made no objections. LOL.

Life for underclass America is very bad. In some regions of Europe there's poor people too, i.e. Greece, Southern Italy, Eastern Europe, but it's not as bad as in America. In America you have the very rich, then a comfortable middle class, but for the poor things are worse and worse. You can get shot in the face for nothing, too.

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Yeah, even in my little town which is a mostly fundamentalist Christian town of 100 at the end of a dirt road there has been a couple stabbings, a couple homicides, a couple suicides, and a couple of freezing while drunk. Latest is a stolen boat from a part time resident. The guy found the boat in a not so nearby town. The not so bright thieves signed their own names on the Bill of Sale...

Other than these events usually associated with partying it's pretty safe and quiet. Especially after someone put a huge Trump sign next to a known liberals abode and made a Trump Street next to the Post Office, which caused an uproar which then turned into a cold war. The libs put up signs claiming their support and love for everyone except their neighbors. Many walk around not seeing or acknowledging others...while having a sign in their yard saying: Hate has no Home Here.

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These two motel experiences remind me of the horror movie "Vacancy" where the couple who check in aren't so lucky. You two got the hell out of there just in time. Always trust your gut feelings. If something doesn't feel right, then most certainly, it isn't.

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I have mixed feelings about someone like Beauregard being killed by one of his cherished blacks. This type of shabos goy buys into every narrative of the Jews and dutifully condemns anyone who dissents from the current thing pushed by the tribe. Beauregard and his ilk often mean well but cause massive harm to the society and the people in it. Even with his no doubt worship of feral blacks he has helped cause a significant increase in the deaths of blacks as well as Whites and Asians.

Unfortunately the Jews have convinced this type of good goy that the supposed female traits of compassion and tolerance should be the main values of a White society but they must never be practiced on bad Whites. Israel of course is free to prioritize other values.

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