Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Linh Dinh

A jaw-droppin, eye-opening, pants-splitting essay, Mr. Dinh. Thank you for the information.

The one observation I might add is it is horrible, at least to me, an introvert who is virtually a self-imposed shut-in and who rarely talks to other people if I can possibly avoid doing so, how people will gossip about the most horrible things. In the Philippines they call it "chizmit" or something like that.

And by gossip I mean idle chatter as contrasted with constructive conversation but maybe that's just my problem.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

"The Jewjab, Ukraine and Gaza genocides weren’t touched upon"

Most Americans likely want to forget what chumps they were during covid or want to live in delusion land feeling proud they believed The Science.

Few Americans have ever cared that their government is responsible for mass slaughter in other lands such as Ukraine, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Korea and on and on. As long as taxes are not raised and there is no draft, the American government is free to wage war with whomever is the Jews' major enemy du jour.

Besides it doesn't matter what the voters think. Jewish donors and the deep state will just pick the winner like they did in 2020.

Trump learned his lesson. In 2016 he ran on issues people actually cared about and became the enemy of powerful Jews no matter how much he tried to suck up to them. Now he is just running to appeal to Jewish donors out of hope that when they pick the winner, they will pick him.

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I agree with you about Americans preferring delusion about the increasingly clear malicious intent behind the Covid vaccines.

Did anyone else notice how, while Fauci was called before Congress, he seems to have gotten off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist; and it is pretty clear, at least to me, he profited enormously off the sales of the Covid vaccines (royalties) that he pushed so hard on the American public.

Furthermore the fact that the Federal Department of Agriculture and other government administrative agencies supposedly overseeing the Pharmaceutical industry (agencies clearly captured by their industry they supposedly regulate) dissuaded medical doctors from prescribing Hydroxichloriquine and Ivermectin in the early stages of Covid which is the main reason why the U.S. had so many more deaths per population than virtually all other countries in the world. Essentially Americans were denied early treatment so that their only alternative was to take the dubious (at best) vaccines or go on a ventilator and die.

I refer to "Dr." Fauci's appearance before Congress as the "bad apple theory"; the idea is if the American people see that the "bad apple" has been removed from the barrel, the barrel will have been cleansed and the whole Covid debacle can be put behind us. No accounting from the Pharmaceutical executives, no big fines, no prison terms. The Covid fraud has magically disappeared as has "Dr." Fauci. (I never thought i would be in agreement with Marjorie Taylor Green!) Until he perhaps appears again to fleece and murder the ever gullible American public with some new "plandemic" scam like maybe "bird flu?"

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Jul 2Liked by Linh Dinh

The combination of the personal automobile, smartphones, earbuds and unlimited streaming are the egg that the Ostrich Americanus inhabits. A custom made hole for every man, woman, child or any amalgamation thereof to dwell inside of. No need to notice the blooming mushroom cloud on the horizon, Verizon has you covered.

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Linh, you have the best commenters of anyone!

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I watched the debate and I think that was the first presidential debate I've watched since everyone's favorite war criminal lil Bushie Jr was running. What a shit show.

They successfully shifted the debate to will Biden still be the Democrat nominee in November or won't he? Nothing on the people murdered or maimed by the clot shots. Nothing on the zionist genocide of Gazans. This country is sleep walking off the edge.

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"The Debate"

Incompetent spectacle for minds on autopilot.

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Dilmah tea? You have excellent taste.

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What do you do with the cream cheese, Linh?

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Hi NJ,

Unlike you, I don't spread on someone's body to lick it off, but merely mix it with the blue cheese to eat with spaghetti. I did that just now.

Vung Tau is waiting for you and the missus, homie!


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Thanks bro, I'll bring a squirt bottle of blue cheese mayo just for your furry chest!

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