May 15Liked by Linh Dinh

Jewish degeneracy, as it advances through the arts and other mediums, is indeed spreading. With sufficient pattern recognition of Jewish degenerate behavior, one can begin to sense their subversive presence everywhere they may wield influence. However I remain slightly optimistic because when the Jew is named, things can change. Thank you, Linh, for naming the Jew.

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A few days ago,the Israeli Ambassador at the UN told 143 countries to basically fu** off,I got slightly optimistic,too,because this type of arrogance has led to many a downfall.We'll see.

Oh,and Wurst means sausage in German.

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You can't beat a good German sausage.

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The Guardian's Eve Barlow mentions that Dana International won when "Boys Don't Cry" was still a year away (1999), but seems to have forgotten big hits like "The Crying Game" (1992), with the androgynous Jaye Davidson revealing her(him)self near the shock ending. Such things may seem to burst out of nowhere, but it usually turns out that something has been crawling around unnoticed under the carpet for years--it just takes awhile for it to find the edge and emerge into the room.

While there are certainly behaviors that repel me, I nevertheless think consenting adults should be free to act and present themselves as they will among themselves, as long as I and my family are not force fed those standards. What I personally find most disappointing and not just a little distressing is what it says about the suggestibility of such a large percentage of the population. The Eurovision crowd is large and enthusiastic, and so we see that such a great number can be led to believe certain things are not just acceptable but laudable.

With virtually all of the contestants trying so hard to be edgy and diverse, it leave us to ask "diverse from what?"

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I remember an incident when I was in maybe 9th or 10th grade in the public education system maybe 45 years ago. The young males in the classroom were asked a question - "Are you a lady's man or a man's man?" I didn't really know the answer. But I did puzzle over it. It took a few years for me to come up with the answer. Late bloomer and all, the real answer was closer to being - "I'm just a kid and not even that smart of a kid either, (not implying that I was a goat,) but How could I know?" Evidently, I didn't remember from health class the year before that I had sit through a whole period dedicated to the size of the male penis. Evidently the youths these days are much smarter. Its either that or they have a much better education. I'm glad that we didn't have live models in health class when I was young. Scarred for life is a real thing. Switzerland's Nemo maybe is the modern genius and might be grateful that 'their' educators have advanced beyond stinkbug. I don't see it.

Here, late in my life, the programming is still being questioned and I'm not sure how I'll end up. I'm not sure if the 'kids' these days have a chance or not, but I do know that they will have to bear the costs (fruits) of their education in one way or another.

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"The young males in the classroom were asked a question - "Are you a lady's man or a man's man?"

What a crappy excuse for "education". With schools teaching idiocy such as that, no wonder the American people are disadvantaged.

I was fortunate that my parents sent me to a boarding school that taught history (but not the unvarnished real history), math, biology, etc. All good subjects for acceptance into college.

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As a kid in the late 1960s there was a prime-time TV drama, "Dr. Kildare." I recall one show a leading male character who was married (to a woman, thank you) and ostensibly "straight" agonized over his surreptitious attraction to another man. That was about as racy as unorthodox sex or sexual heterodoxy got back then. As I recall the attraction was unrequited and the issue was dropped from the show.

Now, obviously, it goes without saying. sex, in all of its variety and variation, is smeared all over your (the viewer's) face. And, I would argue, is done so very deliberately by the American establishment to provoke people, particularly those of a more conservative bent. What society once respected as a private matter is aired like sh*t stained laundry. "And you'd better not criticize it or you're a small minded bigot or homophob, or queer basher or repressed perv or whatever."

The American establishment uses conservatives innate disgust reflex to throw what conservatives see as perversions into the faces of conservatives while those same conservatives blame the loose morality and alleged promiscuity on liberals for all this seeming moral perversity.

This is another tactic by the American establishment to "divide and conquer" the American people. Keep the conservatives and the liberals at each other's throats over trivial, mostly made-up issues and the populous will be too distracted to concentrate their attention on how that establishment and its increasingly oppressive economic system of capitalism is screwing the American people more and more every year.

Have your wages been stagnant for forty year while your rent has gone up 200 percent? Don't blame capitalism and the crappy economic system that enriches the already rich and immiserates everyone else: blame the lady with the beard and all those twerking perverts.

There are a number of iterations of this divide and conquer strategy used to keep the working class divided and at each others' throats in America. The racial divide between blacks and whites is another and there are others.

The important thing, as far as the American capitalist establishment is concerned, is that the working class blame anyone and anything and vent their anger and frustration anywhere and everywhere. Except for one place: The capitalist economic system which, Americans have been propagandized to understand, is perfect and sacrosanct. Never to be questioned; never to be criticized. "Look at the lady with the beard, folks! It's freaks like her that are causing all your problems! It's not American capitalism. Nothing to see here, folks. Just keep the line moving and enjoy the circus freaks while we loot you and empty your pockets. Now move along."

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I would label your "establishment" as the "Western establishment", as this is obviously not exclusive to the US.

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"What society once respected as a private matter is aired like sh*t stained laundry." Well said. Brazen, defiant, mocking, that's the current show biz attitude. Even when it's packaged as white girl next door like Taylor Swift, it's pointing in the cross over direction. Luciferian liberation leading to materialistic Mammon worship. Slithering sexual seduction becoming unfettered anal perversity.

However, I just don't see capitalism as the ultimate bridge to bomb. Who created it? How did it evolve? I don't have a succinct answer. Economics (Samuelson) was my college textbook that remained mostly unread. But I know who took advantage of what Jones calls "state sponsored usury."

Finance capitalism is the stage we're in now. The Jewish oligarchs and their banks are in control of profit-making enterprise. It's no longer the titans of industry: WASP capitalists who were focused on producing a home-grown public product or service. Better to name the Jew (as someone once said) than blame a system they corrupted.

I'm anti-Rand. Not libertarian. And I'm not saying industrial capitalism was w/o negative effects, but it kept the single bread winner going thru the 50s and into the early 60s, before JFK was snuffed and the crypto Jewish LBJ took over to escalate the war and jump start the moral chaos.

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Thank you. Great response. But too cryptic and brief. Can you elaborate? You know a lot more than I do.

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I guess we'd have to hang out to properly flesh this out. If there's one phrase, sentence or concept that's most cryptic, I'll try to unravel. Otherwise, got my understanding of industrial v finance capitalism from Michael Hudson at Unz. The book is The Destiny of Civilization: Finance and Industrial Capitalism or Socialism.

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Thanks again for watching this crap so I don't have to. This way I can still know where the West is in its circling of the toilet bowl.

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No one in Ireland watches the Eurovision. A friend of mine who works in the telcom industry and monitored the polling coming from Ireland says that 478 calls were registered to the number and over 4000 txt messages sent.

Did i hear that Ireland gave israel 12 / doooze points? What a laugh. The Irish despise the euro-jews.

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