Hi everyone,

I just added this paragraph:

Since many Cambodians can't afford a bus ticket to Phnom Penh, at least ten thousands billboards showing starving, skeletal death camp inmates will be scattered across Cambodia. These will be more ubiquitous than the Ganzberg beer signs now blanketing the country. To be reminded of Jewish suffering, a Cambodian will only need to step outside or, often enough, just peer through his window. TV documentaries and infomercials about the Holocaust will be shown daily in all time slots.


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gaza is worlds biggest holocaust museum!

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"Each night at Phnom Penh’s Holocaust Museum, there will be a three-hour lecture by a Holocaust survivor. With millions still kicking worldwide, there won’t be a shortage of speakers."

Growing up in East Africa in the '80s, I blissfully dodged a lot of the holocaust atrocity porn that parades as academic curricula in Europe and North America.

Instead we had a guest lecture from an ANC activist. At the time, the ANC was a guerrilla group waging war against the Apartheid government in South Africa. Pan-Africanism was at it's height, and in solidarity with the ANC, the government of Tanzania hosted a large training camp/base of ANC activists and fighters. The lecture was not atrocity porn - it was a clearly laid out legal argument for the abolishment of the apartheid state, discussing everything from boycotts to South Africa's illegal nuclear weapons program (fun fact: this latter was aided and facilitated by... Israel).

Unfortunately there was a semester in the overpriced private high school that I attended where a visiting teacher from the US tried to indoctrinate us into the holocaust (aside: it was much later in my life that I realized he had a Jewish surname). In particular, there was a documentary he had us watch that featured Elie Wiesel. I clearly remember that the only thing my brother and I took away from watching it was that Wiesel speaks in a distinctively saliva-heavy fashion. The sound he made while speaking is what you hear when people chew with their mouths open. To this day, whenever my brother and I observe someone speaking that way, we say that he/she is "wieseling". In retrospect, I'm glad my aversion to those sounds stopped me from absorbing any of the "main points" of the documentary.

On a related note, when I attended university in a newly liberated South Africa, I found Wiesel's "Night" categorized and placed in the fiction section of the university library.

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Ironically/synchronistically, after visiting Phnom Penh’s Genocide Museum the other day, I commented to my Cambodian friends that I’m a bit surprised they ‘get away with’ using the term ‘genocide’, since it seems like Pol Pot targeted, tortured and executed political dissidents who were majority Khmer, as was he. So the criteria had little, if anything to do with genes. Figures you’d come out with this today. Your take is refreshing.

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UN paper: the stated goal is to use the Holocaust as a weapon to demand Multiculturalism and Globalism.

This is from the official site of the UN:


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"The growing strength of populist and far right groups in Europe must concern us all. The worldwide wave of anti-Semitism in which innocent Jews are attacked solely for being Jewish while walking the streets of Sydney, Melbourne, Brussels, Paris and Rome has to worry us. The decapitation ceremonies by the Islamic State should cause us sleepless nights. It’s not enough to make general statements of a universal nature about unavoidable, banal evil. We need to act. " Indeed; bomb the crap out of Israhell now!

In light of the hairy-goat, head-chopping Al CIAduh slash Mo$$AD owned I$I$ filth slaughtering all and sundry in ex Syria while declaring their allegiance to the ZionaZi filth in occupied Palestine, the image of the "poor" jew howling in pain as he rapes your child and slits your throat was never more apt.

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Most diasporic Jews are NOT SEMITIC!

To be a Semite is to have originated in Semitic Lands, also known as the Levant.

Guess who are the original and actual Semites of Palestine?

Palestinians of course! (Fun fact: Palestinians can also be Muslem, Christian, Jewish or Atheists)

It is not anti-Semitic to criticize another human being that is Jewish,but equally hypocritical having one's own country (Canada) embrace anti-sovereign Anti-Semitic Laws and categorizing them as Criminal Law.

Anti-Semitism is just a trope and an obvious hypocrisy.

It is an ad hominem, plain and simple.

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Everything "they" ever say is a lie. The truth is aunty semithick!


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Thanks for the link Irritable Farmer,

"A murky wave of xenophobia, racism and hatred is flooding the world, and educators must mobilise to resist it."

Followed by: "Tikun Olam (Repairing the World)"

The whole wide world is broken and needs these people to repair it.

And these people need a UN declaration to let us all know what's up.

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This is a great one, Linh.

I am thinking you should submit this to some of the Indian PR-wire services and see if any of the newspapers pick this up as truth. The Indians love Musk and worship Jews/Israel so it could gain some traction.

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They do this in the States as well. I remember my when my daughter was in middle school. She was slated to attend a lecture by the granddaughter of a supposed holocaust survivor. Not even the real McCoy tattooed jew. I took her to Hershey Park instead.

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The hollow co$t gimmick, a chosenite scam that keeps on milking gullible idiots even as the khaZar demons slaughter the real Semitic people of Palestine 24 7.

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i have some good friends who grew up jew and are really into it

a group of us were enjoying the holidays together, playing table games with the radio on in the background - when 'Palestine......Palestinians' penetrated the air suddenly

the agony and discomfort the chosed ones exhibited at this brief intrusion of present realities was quite satisfying to witness

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We can only dream. One of the happiest moments of my life was stepping out of Frieda Kahlo's house, Casa Azul, in Mexico City and seeing a holocaust memorial and not one to some fake holocaust but to the real one where 6 million Jews were masturbated to death.

What right do Mexicans have to celebrate their culture when Jews have suffered? Why should Cambodians be able to talk about their genocide just because it really happened?

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Excellent Postcard, Linh! Thank you for your tongue-in-cheek witty sarcasm, which I greatly enjoyed.

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To my shame, you actually had me for one sentence. Still, parody only works when based on reality. And the reality is that merely questioning the Holocaust narrative will at the very least destroy your career and may land you (David Irving, et al) in prison. A few hundred rich and influential Zionists and their cohorts have cowed the entire globe.

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I blame festering genocidal zionazi jewbagger henry kissinger

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