There's something that was done to young Americans (via media/EMF manipulation?) in the last two decades to make so many of them take such extensive body-mutilating tattoos.

And those who unthinkingly ape the US entertainment industry and culture are also getting them (e.g., my home country of the Philippines).

Years ago, I asked a bright, sane, responsible lab tech with tattoos covering both arms and her whole back, who was then in her 30s with a couple of children, why she had them done.

"I was dumb. I thought it was so cool then, as a 17-yr-old."

She's been seeking to have them removed for years now, but that's a big and expensive job that isn't covered by "insurance." So, as far as I know, she still has them.

A Catholic friend who lived in Germany with her spouse on a US base said that the only women in the country who sported tattoos were the wives of US servicemen; no German women had them (this was about a decade ago; not sure if it's changed for Germans today).

Just stunned at the bold truths put forth in this magnificent essay. Thank you, Linh!

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Tattoos: The uglification of the body.

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I've seen an increasing number of women with tattoos on their face which used to be only for the insane killers in prison.

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also culturally normative among the Inuit - eurocanadians find this repulsive

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Cultural artifact of the Maori is facial tatoos.

I guess most pro-sports athletes are wanna be psychos and killers.

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Hi everyone,

I just added the below two third of the way into the article:

"For a black, brown or yellow man, a white woman is a particularly special treat, if she's even available, so he's willing to pay much more. Whites, on the other hand, often prefer a brown or yellow whore. Her being tiny or childlike only makes him feel more manly. Her broken English adds to this illusion. Bitch's just learning how to speak."


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The fact that America has a professor (I'm sure she's not alone) at a fairly well known university arguing that traditional marriage is bad, this certainly signifies that the time of America's end is close at hand. Marriage is the building block of any society or community or civilization. To argue against it, is to argue against humanity, against the self on a basic level. Complete madness.

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Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.

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Dang....I love to read the comments here! Where is everyone? I bet you are all glued to your TV watching the thrilling Democratic National Convention! Anyway, another great essay, Linh.

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Has anyone else wondered where's Tom Herzog? He was writing up a storm recently and then Linh mentioned him a couple of times in articles and old Tom co-incidentally dropped out of sight. I remember him saying he might get placed in some subsidized housing and escape his roach-infested hovel. I hope that's the story and he's in transition to a better lifestyle.

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I suspect that, like The Terminator, Tom will be back:).

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Funny, especially considering. Hope you're right.

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stepdaughter of current u.s. vice president has ugly tattoos - people saw this at televised democratic national convention

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Hi Linh

You've mentioned the power of language in a few of your recent essays and it's evident how just one word can change the entire focus of a philosophy.

Ignoring her race baiting 'white', Professor Letiecq's vignette would have been vastly improved, and raised from detrimental to aspirational, had she used 'superiority' instead of 'inequality':

"Marriage fundamentalism can be understood as an ideological and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family. But it is also a hidden or unacknowledged structural mechanism of White heteropatriarchal family supremacy that is essential to the reproduction and maintenance of family *inequality* in the United States."

It's self evident, so I wonder why she was so obtuse? Surely anyone who's chosen education as their vocation would prefer to see cohorts of optimistic students graduating and be gratified that their teaching has been a small part of forming that optimism.

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"I’m happy to report such incivility has largely disappeared."


I wish that could be said about many places in Thailand. While polite society exists here, it's the light skinned Asians from a particular country up north who simply don't do manners. I've experienced the same while living in Chicago so I wasn't surprised.

To live among the civil is to be blessed.

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